Talitrus spp.
[Amphipoda: Talitridae]
Adult: Landhoppers are 5-10 mm long. The body is elongate and has a prawn-like appearance. Landhoppers are amber brown and often miss-reported as large fleas.
Head: The head is small with sessile eyes and two pairs of antennae. One pair of antennae are small and the second pair is long (often longer than the forelegs). The thorax has 7 segments with 5 pairs of walking legs (peraeopods). Appendages near the head are modified for manipulating and processing food.
Abdomen: The abdomen (pleon) has reduced appendages adapted for swimming. The body is smooth and laterally (sideways) compressed.
Reproduction & Life-cycle
Literature on reproduction and life-cycle of landhoppers is limited.
Distribution:Landhoppers are distributed along the eastern coast of Australia, Papua New Guinea and some Pacific islands. One species has been recorded from Southern Africa.
Pest Status:Landhoppers are a group of crustaceans which have colonised terrestrial habitats including mangroves, leaf litter and soil of west forests. Landhoppers are primarily nocturnal and feed on angiosperm leaf litter and debris in the garden. Landhoppers occasionally invade homes but are not considered a pest.
“More commonly found in more rural and Island-like countries, Landhoppers have finally made an entrance into Australia. Though they aren’t viewed as a pest if you feel like they’re taking over you might want to contact a pest specialist to take care of it.” – B. Gow
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