Getting a Termite Estimate
“Why is termite control so expensive?” I’ve answered this question many times and it comes down to: “The property and infestation in question determines the cost of a termite treatment.” – Bruce Gow.Â
Please call us today to discuss estimating your own termite treatment or protection.
Are you about to get a termite estimate for treatment of your Australian home or property? Perhaps you already have a quote or two, but before you ring the closest pest controller you (and your home) might benefit from these tips on which pest controllers to approach, what to look for in a treatment, and how to compare one quote against another. Here are a few factors to consider:
The cheapest price may not be the best choice. If the pest control operator offering the inexpensive quote has no termite related qualifications, the chances are he or she hasn’t received significant training in termite identification, termite control methods, or locating termite colonies.
Ask the pest controller providing the estimate if he or she holds a termite related qualifications – in addition to their pest control qualification.
Locating the termite colony that is feasting on your home offers the best chance of averting further damage and reducing the risk of future termite infestations.
Some pest controllers may be more diligent in the search than others, so their termite quotation may be higher.
Is the pest controller prepared to search the property and check nearby trees that may be housing a termite colony? A very cheap quote may suggest they aren’t.
What is the proposed method of treatment? An estimation from an expert who uses only the best available products and most effective treatment types is likely to be higher that of a termite estimation from an operator who is using old products and methods.
A treatment with quotes for treatment with a highly regarded barrier product like Termidor will likely be higher than a termite estimate that quotes for termite baiting.
Does the Pest Control firm guarantee the treatment for several years? That suggests quality products and confidence in their inspections and treatment programs.
A termite expert that uses quality products, is diligent in the search for termite colonies, and in applying treatments, is likely to have greater expenses and spend more time at your home than other operators so the estimation may be higher.
While a very cheap quote should be viewed with some suspicion, the most expensive termite quote isn’t automatically the best.
When it comes time to get a termite estimate, do shop around – but don’t do it with a view to finding the cheapest possible price. Instead, look for the investment that represents the best value by offering effective treatment by a skilled and diligent termite control expert.
Termite Control Construction Methods
- potential entry points are found in varying locations depending on the type of construction used.
- Knowing this will aid in deciding where to concentrate for the inspection and treatment which increases chances of success, build a positive relationship with the customer as well as allowing for an appropriate estimation.
- these methods vary from state to state, NSW place a moisture membrane underneath the slab,
QLD have most of their buildings on elevated posts,
WAÂ buildings are mostly double bricked,
SAÂ use Dwarf walls behind the walls of each room,
Semi-Rural Areas place their water tanks underneath the slab. - asking the customer for the building plans is a great way of understanding what construction methods were used like what type of slab was built, waffle pod, raft slab, infill etc.
- it is important to know the type of slab as we are able to then determine if our treatment is adequate for example, some infills such as blue metal, decomposed granite and crusher dust will not hold chemical.
- unsupported infill slabs are known for gaps to appear along the internal edge after curing due to shrinkage. they also often have soil subsidence in which the soil under the slab sinks.
- Location of essential services like sewage, phone lines and AG pipes can also be found on the building plans and are important to know if we are drilling into slabs or trenching soil areas around the house
- Sub-Floor Ventilation is essential to minimise moisture levels, prevent fungal decay and most importantly prevent conducive points of termite attack subfloor construction must be free of debree, be cross ventilated with evenly spaced openings, no dead air spaces and graded to prevent ponding of water.
Call 0417 251 911 or email today for more information, advice and FREE QUOTES!
Call Bruce on 0417 251 911 or send us a message if you want a termite estimation on your property.