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Tick Control in Sydney, Northern Beaches and North Shore

Are you looking for long term, safe and professional tick control? Ticks are small but deadly pests known to cause paralysis, & even death, in both animals and humans.

Tick extermination is often needed for residents of Sydney Northern Beaches and North Shore, and are often difficult to deal with without expert assistance.

If you’ve got a tick infestation don’t waste time. Call us now for a quote or to book in for an urgent treatment. With over 40 years of experience in Pest Control you can count on us to do a proper job! Call today to get rid of infestations before the warmer weather hits on 0417 251 911.

Our low toxic tick extermination is cost effective and friendly to the environment.

Interesting commentary about lyme disease and the tick connection. More information on the spread of ticks, tick control Northern beaches and the Sydney areas.


Typical life cycle showing nymph, larvae, adults and semi-engorged adult.
What Are The Worst Suburbs in Sydney?

In our experience anywhere near the bush where there are possums and bandicoots such as Beecroft and Wahroonga. I would have to say that the peninsula suburbs of Palm Beach, Avalon, Bilgola Plateau, Warriewood and Newport are probably the most prevalent. All the Sutherland Shire areas are at risk and to the Upper and Lower North Shore, these localities are very commonly infested: Hornsby, Lindfield, Roseville, St Ives, Turramurra, Castle Cove, Cremorne Point, Hunters Hill, Lane Cove, McMahons Point, Mosman, Riverview, Willoughby and Woolwich.

“After experiencing 7 small ticks in a matter of 2 weeks in July we thought the coming tick season is going to be a bad one. We got A1 Pest Control in to spray the garden immediately and we have not seen a tick, on ourselves or our cats, since. After spending thousands last year saving a cat from tick paralysis this tick extermination service is one of the best around.” Sue Kelly, St Ives


Paralysis ticks are unfortunately the most common type of tick found in Sydney, an area they find hospitable due to its large leafy swathes and lush foliage. The tick’s native habitat is within such vegetation, so if a pet or a resident regularly spends time outside in these sorts of densely planted areas, the risks of becoming victim to a tick dramatically increase. Protect your pet and family by calling today on 0417 251 911

Professional treatment is essential in such cases, as failure to provide such measures may put both humans and pets at risk of the health problems associated with ticks.


Loss of normal appetite

Weakness in the hind legs or forelegs. Not being able to stand up properly

Barking irregularly or weakly

Coughing or vomiting

Excessive drooling
Strained breathing or making rapid breathes

If your pet is showing any of the above, take your pet to your vet A.S.A.P. – tick paralysis is potentially fatal and requires urgent veterinary attention.

Make a good examination of your pet for ticks & use a tick removal tool in order to remove them carefully.

Tick Removal Tools Review

So which one is the most effective? The following are what I have researched online:

Tick Twister

Tick Twister

  • Removal of the tick without having to squeeze it, which reduces the risks of spreading the infection
  • Mouth-parts of ticks aren’t left in your skin
  • Both small & large ticks are able to be removed
  • Easy way to remove the ticks with safety
  • Only takes a couple of seconds without any pain
FREE Delivery for $10.97

Tick Key

Tick Key

  • Ease of Use – It is a tick removal tool that uses forward leverage for removal of the tick head and body quickly with safety without touching the engorged tick. Effective for removing all species of ticks no matter what size on pets and humans.
  • Handy to fit on your key-chain or your back-pack when outdoors
$18.00 plus $7.15 extra for delivery

tick-removal-tool-smallOriginal Tick Key for Tick Removal 3 Pack (Multi Color)Tick Removal Tools Ebay

Under no circumstances offer food or water to your affected pet. This because dogs and cats can’t protect their airways when swallowing as this may worsen their condition because of toxins released.

It’s the season for Fleas and Ticks

They’re both tiny and problems, but there are numerous basic differences between fleas and ticks.

You’ve probably heard the old joke of one flea saying to the other: shall we walk, or take the dog?

That’s close to the mark, especially in spring and summer, not only for fleas, but also for ticks, who thinks of Man’s Best Friend as their summer home, and plan to take up residence for generations unless something is done about them.

Although wingless, fleas, which usually measure between 1.5 to 3.5 mm in size, can jump as far as 220 times their body length, or 150 times their body height.

Not only that , but they can leap 10,000 times in succession, with excellent leaping capabilities of up to two feet.

The lifespan of a flea is about 100 days, and their preference is once they have found their way onto a dog, they like to stay.

Fleas want to stay on the dog for their entire life, feeding off the hound, then breeding when the eating process has been completed: they drink multiple times their own body weight in blood.

The fleas generally lay between 20 and 40 eggs a day, with those eggs transported wherever the dog goes, so any hair being shed could mean the fleas land just about anywhere, including on humans, although the incidence of human fleas has lessened.

Fleas, which have 6 legs as adults, but no wings, and prefer warmer climates and temperatures to cold, and look to live inside.

Dog owners should be made aware that these annoying creatures carry diseases such as bartinellosis and tapeworm to your dog.

Fleas, which are strong, can often be detected if the family pet cat or dog continually itches, or if a family member is bitten.

Over the holiday period, many families find the flea population has multiplied significantly, with thousands of the critters baying for a blood meal.

Flea larvae need sandy soil, 80 per cent humidity and 25 degrees warmth – par the course for most Australian eastern States most of the year.

It’s also worthwhile for clients to keep pet flea treatments up to date, and to ensure regular vacuuming of carpeted areas and rugs, as well as under furniture and the pet bedding.

Fleas are bloodthirsty creatures whose digestive tract cannot use all the blood and so much of it comes out as dried faeces, also known as flea dirt.

Flea dirt looks similar to coarse ground black pepper and may be seen on the pet, in pet beds, carpets, rugs and other areas where your pet likes to hang out.


Advantage, Advantix, Advocate, Aristopet, Capstar, Comfortis, Fido’s Flea powder, Frontline, Kiltix, Nexgard, Panoramis, Revolution, Sentinel, and Virbac tick collars

So what are the risks associated with a tick infestation?

Allergic Reactions

What Meat Allergies Are Caused By Ticks? They are extremely dangerous insects, and have a reputation of causing meat allergies.

So, what meat allergies are caused by ticks?

Did you know that meat – no matter the animal – can cause an allergic reaction?

It’s not the most common allergy around, but it’s one that is growing in recent years.

More and more people are turning to vegetarianism and veganism as a result, and there is one very common thing that can cause this meat allergy

– and that’s a bite from a tick.

Any meat allergies caused by ticks can be picked up by a blood test, and your doctor can help you to identify which meats you are now allergic to.

Meat allergies caused by ticks tend to be red meat based and can develop at any point in life.

If you are allergic to one type of meat the chances are that you’ll be allergic to others.

There are other types of poultry out there that you may be allergic to, too.

There are studies that show that meat allergies caused by ticks tend to be red meat mostly.

Symptoms To Watch For

Meat allergies caused by ticks happen because the bacteria from the tick is attacking the immune system.

Your system then overreacts to the proteins in the food that cause no issues for most.

Some of the symptoms to look out for include:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Stomach cramps
  3. Indigestion
  4. Weak pulse
  5. Pale or blue colouring of the skin
  6. Diarrhoea
  7. Wheezing
  8. Gasping for breath
  9. Palpitations
  10. Hacking cough
  11. Hoarse throat
  12. Dizziness
  13. Hives
  14. Anaphylaxis, a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction

A tick bite that causes you to develop an allergy to red meat such as beef and pork is related to a carbohydrate known as alpha-gal. It’s diagnosed by a blood test and the food allergies start immediately for some things, but not for alpha-gal. When the allergy is to this, the allergies start within a few hours. It’s often a challenge to connect the newfound allergy to a tick bite but it’s all the more reason to remove a tick as soon as possible.

Symptoms do vary from person to person, and you might not start symptoms during every reaction. Allergic reactions can affect the skin and the respiratory, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular tracts. It doesn’t matter the age of the person with the tick bite, allergic reactions can develop if there’s been a bite. A doctor will work with you on managing your allergy, and they’ll talk through your medical history, any bites and your symptoms.

Red meat allergies in Australia are caused mostly by the paralysis tick and the bite injects alpha-gal into the skin via the saliva. Red meat includes beef, pork and lamb and it’s important to note the reactions as early as possible so that the doctor can ensure that you are protected from anaphylaxis. The best thing that you can do if you suspect ticks in your home or garden is speak to the Australian pest control team today. They’ll come out and treat the area to ensure that you no longer have a tick infestation taking you from your snags!

Allergic reactions are one of the most troubling issues associated with tick infestation. This is because the symptoms of an allergic reaction vary dramatically between individuals. While some individuals suffer only from mild itching in the tick-affected area, others find themselves at risk of deadly conditions such as anaphylactic shock.


The aptly-named paralysis tick is capable of inducing paralysis in both human and animal hosts, making it extremely dangerous. Children and those with suppressed immune systems are most likely to suffer from tick paralysis, with those affected demonstrating symptoms such as weakness, rashes, flu-like symptoms, and tenderness. These symptoms typically worsen over time, and can be deleterious if the tick at fault remains undetected.



While taking precautions such as wearing light-coloured clothing and using insect repellents may be of some benefit against ticks, these approaches only deter ticks from biting—they don’t actually help with tick control. Similarly, while cutting back overhanging foliage and keeping grassy areas mown and in good shape may help reduce the risk of ticks, these approaches are far from fail-safe.

Tick Extermination Treatment

Brigade is a granular insecticide that is proven to be very effective and is the only registered tick control treatment in Australia. Take care when deciding on a pest control firm as not many make use of Brigade and you could end up getting stuck with a tick treatment that doesn’t last! Brigade gets into all the cracks and crevices in the garden as well killing any ticks that are hiding out of sight. Brigade is completely non-staining, odourless and non-sensitizing which provides an ideal treatment for any home or commercial property that wants a tick control treatment which doesn’t leave evidence or harmful chemicals.

Features and Benefits
  • Because Brigade comes in a unique sand formulation it is one of the easiest Tick control measures to apply. Simply spread the formulation evenly to achieve a lasting effect
  • Another benefit of the sand formulation is that the granules actually roll and move into small cracks and crevices (harbourage areas for insects)
  • Can be applied using broadcast machinery for en masse application
  • Non-scheduled
  • No odour, no staining, and not harmful to plants
  • Broad Spectrum
  • Faster knockdown and lasting effectivity due to the hardy formulation
  • Affordable!

Brigade is certified for use on both residential and commercial premises to effectively target and control various manner of lawn and turf insect pests. This includes various ant species, fleas, and ticks, while the insecticide schedule allows for it to be applied on both public and private buildings and lawns as well as areas that might be identified as “sensitive”

such as; government premises and schools, as well as other areas where the use of insecticides are restricted to lower schedules only.

The sand formulation slips into cracks and crevices where it controls the problem while out of sight and out of mind.

In comparison with other granular formulations Brigade is superior in the actual flow of the granules out of the applicator, meaning that they roll better and reach deeper into the cracks and crevices where other other formulations will pile up and spread ineffectively across any given area.

We ONLY use Brigade when it comes to the control of ticks as it is proven to be effective and provide a residual effect that protects yourself, your children, and your pets from harmful ticks such as the paralysis tick.

Brigade is effective against: Ants (broad spectrum of effectiveness), Fleas, Ticks, Lawn Armyworm, Sod Webworm, Argentine Stem Weevil


If you want to ensure that your property is safe from ticks and their potentially life-threatening bite, then you should seek professional advice. Currently only licensed pest controllers are capable of applying NSW’s only registered tick control Sydney product which has the brand name of Brigade.

So if you have a tick problem that needs to be addressed, call us on 0417 251 911 for more information or to arrange a low toxic environmentally friendly solution that is extremely effective in controlling ticks.

Tick Poisoning

The tick attaches itself to the host animal by inserting its probe directly into the skin with its sharp mouthparts.  Similar to a flea, which ensures that it has a firm hold during feeding. 
From the salivary glands when feeding, the tick returns about seventy per cent of its fluid into the host into the injection site. This saliva contains bioactive protein and lipids that maximises the blood-meal acquisition.
It is this anticoagulant, and perhaps other materials, that are toxic to animals.
Paralysis in mice leading to death has been noted in the laboratory by injection via fluid from the tick salivary glands.
Once a tick bite has been detected, it should be treated immediately.

Symptoms and treatment of tick bites

The following symptoms start to appear about 3-7 days after the tick has attached itself to an animal:
1 Loss of appetite, lassitude and depression occur.
2. Discharge from the eye may be present.
3. Paralysis is first evident in the hindlimbs, when the animal finds difficulty in walking and co-ordinating its movements.
4. Vomiting may be evident, followed by grunting and wheezing.
5. Paralysis extends to the forequarters, with accompanying difficulty in swallowing and breathing.
6. Eyes show distress, and the pupils become dilated.
7. Death may be caused by respiratory failure brought about by paralysis of the throat region, or heart failure may occur.
Any animal that has picked up a tick should be referred to a veterinary surgeon as soon as possible, even after the tick has been located.
The tick should be removed ASAP. Try to grab the tick’s head with your finger & thumb nails if you don’t have forceps handy.  Pull it out slowly sideways rather than vertically.  Don’t use kerosene or turpentine, and try not to squeeze the body. 
After it has been completely removed, the bite site may be swabbed with a diluted antiseptic. If your pet cannot be immediately taken to a vet, seek emergency medical guidance via phone.

Control of Ticks

The number of ticks in an area may be reduced and the hazard minimised by several means:
1. Exclusion of bandicoots. These are protected animals and must not be killed. However, if they are trapped and released elsewhere, the problem is reduced. If bandicoot activity is noticed by their diggings in lawn areas, they are seeking curl grubs and other lawn pests, so eradication of the grubs means the bandicoots are no longer attracted so close to where pets have access.
2. Removal of excess vegetation, particularly above grass height, and elimination of moist areas.
3. Chemical spraying of foliage and areas suspected of harbouring ticks, using registered products. Read the label for acceptance in problem areas.
4. Washing the animal in a recommended and approved pesticide. Information appears on the label of suitable pesticide containers. Dusts also have some value.
 5. Searching animals at least every second day. This is the most satisfactory procedure.
Tick extermination pesticides are very effective if used in appropriate strategies. Low toxic sprays, granules and IGRs (insect Growth Regulators) are likely to give animal owners confidence  that the tick have all been killed or repelled.
Any small ticks found may be removed as described previously. Fully engorged ticks must be removed carefully, preferably with forceps. 

Tick Paralysis and Tick Bite Allergies
Ticks have the ability to cause paralysis, several allergies, and more severe reactions in their unfortunate hosts.

Humans once bitten may suffer a slowly worsening paralysis, starting with numbness to the legs, loss of sensation  to the abdomen, back, diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.

Most patients will recover quickly once tick removal has been completed, but some victims may unfortunately require weeks for these symptoms to fade and then return to normal.

How To Remove A Tick In The North Shore Area

Ticks can be extremely dangerous to our health and wellness. So, do you know how to remove a tick in the North Shore area?

Learn more with A1 Pest Control.

Ticks are tiny, brown parasites that are generally found in bush areas and reserves of the North Shore and Northern Beaches areas.

These parasites live on the blood from animals and humans to survive, and they literally suck your blood to survive.

They attach themselves to your skin and they enjoy warm areas that are usually moist.

Ticks are often found in the armpits, on the scalp and in the groin.

While no one wants to have ticks anywhere on their body, it’s worse if you find multiple ticks.

Not only this, but ticks tend to carry a range of diseases, and these can be passed onto humans and animals when they bite.

Some ticks carry bacteria that can lead to Lyme Disease, and this is a debilitating infection but you don’t automatically contract it if you’re bitten. If it does bite you, you have to keep an eye out for symptoms for 30 days before you can be sure you’re safe.

You have to ensure that you see your doctor if you develop any rashes shaped like a bulls-eye, or symptoms that resemble the flu.

The best thing that you can do is learn how to remove a tick in the North Shore Sydney Australia area.

You don’t want to end up sicker than possible, and if you find one on your body, you’re going to need to look at tick removal as soon as possible.

How do you do it? Let’s take a look:

Tick Removal Tips

• As soon as you spot a tick or realize one is on you, search your whole body and ask for help to check your scalp.

• Remove the tick as soon as you see it, and use a pair of tweezers.

• Never use your fingers to remove a tick as aggravating it can cause the tick to release toxic saliva which can increase the infection risk.

• Use tweezers to grip the tick as close to the surface of the skin as you can get.

• Keep a steady pressure and slowly pull upward. Don’t twist or rip the tick off your body; you need to be calm!

• Disinfect the bite area with alcohol wipes and wash your hands. Disinfect your tweezers and put them away properly for next time.

• Don’t wait to see the doctor – you can do it yourself and you can also avoid the risk of any more toxic bacteria.

• Keep an eye on your reactions over 30 days.

These parasites will only penetrate the skin with the mouthpiece and it’ll leave the mouthpiece in the body – like a splinter!

Tick removal ensures that the tick doesn’t infect you with a disease, and it ensures that you don’t develop an infection at the bite site.

It also ensures that you don’t end up with a tick infestation in your home. Tick removal – as you now know – is really simple and you can do it yourself.

You can do it without any special equipment, too, making it far easier.

Don’t hesitate in learning how to remove a tick in the North Shore Sydney Australia area!


Lyme disease and tick typhus are just two of the dangerous diseases associated with ticks. Tick typhus causes headaches, rashes, glandular swelling, and fever, and lyme disease shares many of these symptoms.

Tick Diseases Chart

A Comprehensive Tick Diseases Chart

Some general details about ticks

Paralysis in animals – Adult ticks are the most dangerous.   Nymphs may also cause paralysis when they are present in large populations.

Veterinary treatment – Seek professional advice from a veterinary surgeon ASAP. 
Vets are able to provide a tick serum and prevent your pet from vomiting.
Even after ticks are removed, the symptoms may not arise until much later on in the day.
Tick serum – The serum is produced by allowing large numbers of ticks to feed on laboratory-held animals. Some animals do not produce this serum.
Susceptibility – Bandicoots, kangaroos and wallabies appear to be susceptible until they acquire immunity, probably by exposure to repeated attacks from the immature stages of the tick.
Recovery – Recovery appears to be higher in cats and goats than in dogs. Animals do recover from tick poisoning with proper treatment.
Immunity – After an infestation from ticks, an animal that has recovered usually retains immunity for about 3-4 weeks, particularly if serum has been administered. Ticks must repeatedly feed on animal for immunity to be retained.
Location of ticks – Ticks in Sydney Northern Beaches are found on bandicoots, possums and bush turkeys on the head, shoulders and necks. They often attach to the mouth, snout, ears, tails and genital areas. These animals can remove most of the ticks by self grooming.
Seasons Active – Ticks normally are most active during the warmer seasons of the year. Winter provides some relief though maintenance of control programmes must be adhered to in order to keep populations under control.

Tick paralysis – The adult tick is the most dangerous stage in the life cycle, although younger stages may cause paralysis when present in larger numbers.  Ticks may be transferred from vegetation on such things as clothing and picnic rugs, as well as animal fur. Ticks do not jump; they merely adhere to the body or legs of a passing animals.

“There are various health issues related to ticks and we wouldn’t advise anyone to postpone a treatment after seeing evidence of ticks on your property. They can have severe negative effects on young children and pets or even adults in the case of paralysis. Talk to us today  on 0417 251 911 and we’ll be happy to quote you or advise you with regards to an appropriate treatment.”

Sara Robinson, an epidemiologist working for the Centre for Disease Control, states that everyone needs to be switched on about the risks of lime disease and the range of other tick borne diseases that pose a threat to anyone, especially children and pets! Personal protection against ticks is essential all year round if you’re living in the Northern Beaches or North Shore. Tick control is a growing issue across Sydney and many are oblivious to the risks that come along with it.

Fleas are a commonly found on properties that have pets as well as a tick infestation. Though fleas don’t pose much of a threat to us they can be a huge hassle to our pets and an annoyance to homeowners that have to put up with the constant itchiness that accompanies a flea infestation. Ticks and fleas are both tiny pests which makes them that much harder to track down and exterminate.

Though ticks prefer longer grass and thick brush, fleas on the other hand enjoy hanging out in lawns as well as the cracks and crevices inside your home. It’s true that a surface spray or can of pesticide will kill fleas that it reaches but due to the fact that fleas are often also out in the lawn or hiding in little cracks it can miss them and they’ll just re-infest the home! A1 Pest Control recommends a comprehensive tick or flea treatment to be carried out by a qualified firm such as ourselves.

Another essential step in creating a tick and flea free home is using a product such as Frontline Plus for your pets. Frontline Plus is one of the most well reviewed and recommended flea preventative treatments for pets on the market. Just have a look at these reviews!


We love to use Frontline Plus for our 2 labs because it is waterproof.

Our dogs love to swim when we go up north and I don’t have to worry

about they flea control between applications!


I have bought Frontline for all my animals with excellent results.

I live out in the country with large yard for both my dog’s and cat’s to roam and Frontline works great for both flea and tick control. Highly recommended.


Frontline is pretty much the industry standard for flea and tick treatment.

I recommend this to everyone.


No fleas here on our six critters and munchers…not even during the predicted flea months

We use it faithfully once a month. Good stuff!

As you can see Frontline Plus is truly an industry standard we recommend using such a product as well as regularly bathing your pets with a safe and certified permethrin based shampoo. Making sure that your pets are regularly inspected for ticks or fleas, washed with a flea killing shampoo and regularly vacuuming your home are the key steps to preventing a ticks and flea infestation in your home.

A1 Pest Control has the experience, training and attitude to take care of any pest issue that you have. We have over 38 years of experience and have treated nearly every pest scenario you can imagine. If you’ve noticed fleas in your home or are approaching the warmer months and know that you’re in a high activity area for ticks then give us a call on 0417 251 911 or email us at

Reviews gained from

Ticks have their head, thorax and abdomen fused into one region and in this way may be distinguished from spiders. They have four pairs of legs in the adult stage, although, like mites, the immature forms have three pairs. Ticks may cause the death of warm-blooded animals by introducing toxins into the bloodstream, or cause non-fatal infections.

There are over 800 species of ticks world-wide, and around 70 species exist in Australia. Of these, perhaps 16 with attack humans.

Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus)
Our local paralysis tick is found distributed in Queensland down the coast to Victoria. Bushy areas close to the coast are most at risk.

Developmental stages
The length of the life cycle of the Australian paralysis tick varies and may, in some stages, be very protracted. There are four distinct developmental stages in this species – egg, larva, nymph and adult – and these are much the same for other species. Continuity of growth depends on the tick obtaining a blood meal to enable it to pass from one stage to another, and the adult female must have a blood meal for the protein that enables it to product eggs.

The adult male does not feed on blood and therefore does not become attached to an animal host and cause it distress. It may be distinguished from the female by the large shield or plate that covers its entire upper body surface. The adult female, in both the larval and nymphal stages, this plate only covers about one third of the upper body surface.

Tick Pest Control

Worried About Ticks in Sydney? You Should Be!

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the dangers that accompany ticks. And at A1 Pest Control we share your concern for your family or pets. We’re always keen to get our hands dirty and get rid of your pest problem.” – Bruce

Close Up Of An Engorged Nymph And An Engorged Adult Tick Is Compared June 15 2001 To A

Just recently there has been a lot of commotion about new tick line procedures in QLD as a step in improving bio security in our agriculture industry which just goes to show how big of an issue the ongoing tick problem is in Australia. Ticks are known to be carriers of diseases that can not only affect cattle but people as well. Sydneysiders, especially those living near the northern beaches, know about the Paralysis tick and how it is one of the most dangerous pests to have lurking in your backyard!

It is also the most common and problematic tick in this area (Sydney Northern Beaches). And when you consider their minuscule size, these ticks can certainly pack a punch as doctors and veterinary surgeons can testify.




Brigade, an Agserv product, is currently the only product approved for tick treatments and tick control. As a bonus it’s also effective against other garden insects such as fleas. 
Not all pest control agencies use Brigade so make sure to book in with one that does, it’s been tested and proved to be an effective and long lasting tick treatment. We have always used Brigade and never get complaints about the treatment!
The Australian paralysis tick has four developmental stages: egg, larva, nymph and adult, the last three being as external parasites of man and animals. Only the female tick is a blood feeder.
She inserts her mouthparts and injects an anticoagulant so that the blood will continue to flow. It is the anticoagulant which is apparently toxic.
The mouthparts are barbed to hold the tick in the skin. The symptoms of paralysis tick lodgement in the skin can include:
1. pain and irritation at the site of attachment
2. loss of appetite
3. lassitude (sleepiness) and depression
4. discharge from the eyes.
Once located the tick should be removed. Because of the flatness of the mouthparts and the backwards projecting barbs, it is necessary to use forceps.
Grasp the mouthparts on the head, and move them sideways before withdrawing the tick. Do not squeeze the body or apply any chemicals, as more toxin will be injected into the bloodstream.

If you need help with professional tick control please call our office at 0417 251 911 or E-mail us at:

"We first used A1 Pest Control a few years ago when we noticed a few termites under a wine barrell in the rear yard of our home. We asked A1 Pest Control Sydney to pay us a visit to have a thorough termite inspection of our home. Bruce and his crew were on time, and very well presented. They explained how they would get rid of the termite infestation using a low toxic method and how their Thermal cameras worked, It worked very well and now we can sleep at night!"
Gary and Carol Harman
"We have been using Bruce form A1 Pest Control for over 4 years now. We bought our new house on the Hills Area, and moved in. our neighbours had problem with rodents and spiders so they are using A1 next door. I asked them if they could come over and treat our house too, as i didn't want to chase pest around our home. The service was not only effective, but carried out without any smelly fumes that we have experienced in our last house. They solved problem next door and I haven't seen a bug since."
Melissa Topper
"A1 Pest Control exterminators where great! I'm very happy to say that they solved a bed bug problem that I had after we had visitors from overseas visit us. I would recommend A1 Pest Control to anyone needing a safe and effective treatment of bed bugs"
Amanda Wu
"Bruce solved our commercial pest control problem in Castle Hill. Cockroaches were throughout our factory and they were completely gone after two visits from his exterminators. Just seeing one cockroach can lose us clients. I know now everyhing is ok, and our reputation is intact"
Raj Beri, Europa International
"Bruce from A1 Help us get rid of a bad spider infestation that have been troubling us for a while. It was done with low toxic spray and his crew even game me some cockroach and ant baits to get rid of them. I have recommended A1 to all my friends and family"
Carmel Thomas
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