If you are having some problems with bee removal in Sydney, you may want to visit the Amatuer Bee Keepers Association of NSW website for information on how to remove bees safely.
If they are gaining entrance to your home, or you are worried that bees may become a threat to yourself or family, consider hiring us as we are prompt and effective at bee fumigation.
LIMITED TIME SPECIAL! $250-$275 inc GST for the treatment of a bee infestation. (Special only qualifies for Sydney Metro properties where bees can be reached via normal ladder access.)
Click Here To Call 0417 251 911 or email bruce@a1pestcontrol.com.au to book your inspection and treatment today! This offer won’t last!Emergency Clearing of Hazards to Workers
Bees and Wasps are closely related to ants with regards to their biology and are members of the scientific order associated with insects known as Hymenoptera. Characteristics of this are factors such as their social colony structures and communication habits. There are many studies that provide evidence of the benefit that bees provide in a natural habitat. They assist in the pollination process as well as providing delicious honey. But, when they infest your home and property they seem more of a nuisance than of benefit to anyone, this can develop into a serious issue if you have children and pets or anyone allergic to bees around. When disturbed bees can become quite aggressive and swarm a target resulting in hundreds of extremely painful stings to their victim. In the event of a bee infestation occurring at your home it is advised not to cross their flight path or disturb their nest.
Bee Removal – How to Manage a Bee InfestationIdentifying an infestation is one of the first steps toward solving any bee related issue. It would be a good idea to have a walk around your property and home every month to check for signs of bee hives or crowded bee activity. Beehives are often found on overhanging eaves or other extruding structures around your home or exterior buildings/sheds as well as checking for any holes within wooden surfaces, window frames and fencing posts. Hives can also be found in trees or large bushes. They prefer these areas as they provide shelter from the environment and weather events. Another dead giveaway would be having a cloud of bees swarm around your home or property. It is important to take care when this happens and not to do anything drastic. “Swarming is a natural part of the reproductive life cycle for honey bees and they are not necessarily aggressive during this state. For the removal of a swarm the NSW Department of Primary Industries advises AGAINST removing the swarm yourself. Swarms that have established within homes should only be destroyed by a licensed pest control operator!” – Department of Primary Industries (NSW)In rare cases bees might even infiltrate a home and infest the wall cavity of your home. In this case there is not much a layperson can do, the best option would be to contact a professional pest control firm to inspect the extent of the infestation and advise the appropriate treatment method. Seeing a small bee presence doesn’t guarantee an infestation as bees often travel large distances in search of food etc. Removing the bees can be the easiest or the hardest part of dealing with an infestation, it all depends on how you approach the infestation. After establishing which type of bee is infesting your property you can then decide how to precede. It is quite easy to get rid of Yellow Jackets or Bumble Bees however, dealing with the regular honey bee is a bit more complex due to their nesting and colony habits. Some DIY approaches are listed below but we would NEVER advise for someone to approach a bee infestation by themselves. Appropriate safety equipment and treatment equipment is always recommended and as such we would advise seeking out a professional pest control company to ensure your safety as well as well as the complete extermination of the colony.Bee Removal Techniques:Bee Trap: you can create a home made bee trap out of a 2L soft drink bottle. This is done by cutting off the top neck of the bottle and inverting it into the bottom half of the bottle which creates a funnel shape. The edges are then taped shut and any sweet/sugary liquid can be poured in to tempt the bees. Combine this with washing detergent to trap the bees and set it out near the bees favourite spot.Vacuum Cleaner Bee Removal: Another method for bee removal is to use your own vacuum cleaner and suck the bees into the vacuum bag. (Please note that this only works with vacuum’s that utilize a sealing dust bag – This method is NOT recommended and can lead to serious harm if done incorrectly.)Solitary bees can always be removed using a cup and piece of paper (which is slid over the mouth of the cup once the cup is placed over the bee to prevent it from escaping when you lift the cup up)Cardboard box Box Bee Swarm Removal: This is a common method but not recommended personally. Bee swarms are sometimes found on the end of tree branches. Take a large cardboard box out to where the swarm is in the early morning where the bees are most sluggish, Shake the branch so that the bees drop in the box and close the lid making sure the queen is not still on the branch and re locate. CAUTION! This method is also NOT recommended for the layperson and is probably the most dangerous.Disclaimer: Though the above treatment options are often seen as viable we would never encourage anyone to follow these options as they are known for not working effectively and often resulting in an aggravated bee infestation. In accord with the statement by the NSW Department of Primary Industries we would recommend a professional pest controller as the only valid treatment option.A1 Pest Control has over 40 years of experience in the pest control industry and we’ve treated a large portion of the Sydney Region with stellar feedback and customer relations. We pride ourselves in punctuality, professionalism and treatments that work! Ring us today on 0417 251 911 to book a no hassle quote or a last minute appointment. You can also email Bruce at bruce@a1pestcontrol.com.au
We would like to make note of the fact that as a pest control company our services do come at a cost, though we are happy to give you a quote over the phone we are unable to engage in bee removal for free, if this is not an option for you, you can contact your local counsel or bee keepers association for more information or other options.Bee Control Facts Bees do play an important role in the ecosystem as 65% of the crops grown in Australia are reliant on bee pollination. In Australia you can find over 1500 different species of bees! Thus they are essential to our current lifestyle, but not when they’re hanging out in your back yard. This article will cover the bee facts that you need to know to avoid an infestation. Appearance Bees have sturdy little bodies and range from sizes as small as 2mm long all the way up to 39mm (3.9cm) long. They come in the colours black or brown with maroon, yellow or bluish stripes. They have flattened rear legs which are used to collect and then transport pollen. It is also interesting to note that there are a variety of bee species in Australia, most commonly the smaller species, which actually have no stinger! They are fairly harmless and spend their time pollinating flowers. Behaviour & habits Many species of bees are solitary; however species like the honey bee and bumble bee are very social. Bees are also known for the delicious honey they can make, which during the lifetime of one bee can become a substantial amount. Bees are an important part of nature but only when they are controlled within suburban and residential areas, otherwise they can become medical as well as structural liabilities. Though bees are not inherently aggressive they usually sting when they feel threatened and some can sting multiple times. Often these stings aren’t immensely painful, but to a child or someone with an allergy a sting can have severe consequences! Bee control methods
Firstly determine whether you actually have a bee problem or whether it is another species of insect that has infested your garden.
In the case of a bee infestation make sure what degree the infestation is at, some bee colonies can contain anywhere from 8,000 to 60,000 bees! If your infestation is severe contact a pest control expert immediately.
Another option is purchasing a bee trap, though less humane it is an option for smaller bee problems.
Call in a professional to assess the sit
It is often an option to have a beekeeper remove the hive and relocate it, as there is a growing threat known as CCD (colony collapse disorder; where the worker bees of a colony abruptly disappear which leads to the colonies demise and impacts negatively on agricultural pollination). If you are unsure of how to approach a bee problem on your property, or you just want to know more of the bee facts, don’t hesitate to call up your Pest Control experts at A1 Pest Control who would be happy to safely quote your problem using environmentally friendly methods. Contact Bruce Gow on 0417 251 911 today for an appointment!
Bee extermination and prevention
Preventing bees from living in your back yard
Bees’ role in pollinating is an extremely important and beneficial role; however, the risks that come with bees around your home can also be quite extreme. The aggressiveness of bees and their stings can become life threatening for certain individuals, so if you live near or have seen a bee, extermination is usually the answer when protecting your loved ones.
There are preventative measures you can take to make your home and garden unattractive to this species.
Close up the gaps
Bees usually seek out warm spots to wait out the winter months before breeding season begins. Filling in cracks around your house can prevent them from staying around your home and attacking you in the warmer months. Check around doors, windows and vents for places that bees may find. Bee extermination may seem extreme, but if there are bees or nests in and around your home, there may not be any other choice.
Use decoys
Placing fake nests near your home will discourage bees from building another, as most bees don’t like their nests to be close to others. Your local gardening store is most likely a carrier of these decoy nests.
Remove all food sources
Always remember to remove and cover rubbish and clean up food, especially outdoors. Bees like sweet smells and sugar, so don’t leave soft drinks or sweet foods outside. Keep your outside entertaining area clean and swept.
You can also help to limit the amount of bees around your home by avoiding bright coloured clothing, floral prints, and perfume during warmer months. If, however, all of your work trying to prevent bees is ineffective, do not try to remove nests or bees by yourself. In these cases, bee extermination is the best option and should be done by a pest professional. Call Bruce Gow for expert bee control on 0417 251 911
Order Hymenoptera ANTS, BEES AND WASPS Approximate number of species: – World 108 000 – Australia 14 780 Type of metamorphosis: – Complete Given the massive degree of natural control of plant pests afforded by parasitic and predatory wasps, and the extensive pollination provided by bees and others, we often underestimate the benefits of this abundant and highly successful group of insects. Appearance Adults are very small to large and of diverse forms. Wings may be present, reduced or absent. When present, wings are membranous; the forewings are usually much larger than the hindwings, and there is a coupling mechanism. Mouthparts are mandibulate, with some modifications for lapping or sucking particularly in bees. The cuticle is often highly sclerotised. Compound eyes are usually large, three ocelli are often present, and antennae are variable. Females often have an ovipositor developed for sawing, piercing or stinging with a venom. Larvae are also highly variable in form, some are caterpillar-like, other more grub-like. Some have thoracic or abdominal legs or both; others are entirely legless. Their chewing mouthparts and head capsule are often distinctive. Biology and Habits Habits vary enormously within the group. Some are solitary insects, while others such as bees are social, forming sometimes very complex societies that involve different castes and a high degree of communication. Although many adult hymenopterans feed on nectar or pollen, larvae may be foliage eaters, wood borers, internal or external parasites of insects and allied forms, or feeders of prey or prepared diets provided by adults. Reproduction may be sexual or by parthenogenesis. Eggs of parasitic species are usually laid in or on the host animal stung with a preservative venom. Eggs of foliage eaters are usually laid in or on the host plant. In social insects, eggs, larvae and pupae are tended by workers. Larvae undergo a number of moults before pupating. Pest Status Some sawfly species are pests as foliage eaters, some wood wasps are pests of forest trees, mud daubers upset the houseproud, masonry bees burrow into the soft mortar between the bricks of older houses, some wasp species are troublesome to humans and some ants may be regarded as household pests; but by and large, the group is very beneficial. HONEY BEE Honey bees often leave commercial hives and settle in and around houses. When established between walls, they present special problems. If the services of an apiarist are available, the unpleasant task of killing the hive can be avoided, but usually such a problem must be dealt with urgently. A method sometimes adopted where insecticides are not acceptable involves fastening a cone of cardboard over the entrance into the wall, with the broad end against the wall over the problem area, and the small end (about 6-10mm across) outwards. The bees can leave and resettle elsewhere, but they cannot re-enter the small aperture of the cone, so gradually the hive dies out. If the hive not been established for any length of time, the entire hive might leave. Where the hive must be killed, particularly when allergic people are likely to be stung, Holes may be drilled into the wall and the insecticide forced into it. Foaming agents in any other insecticide approved for bee control would also provide spread of the insecticide inside the cavity. If the bees are all killed at the time of treatment, residual life of the chemical is not required because the entry holes would be closed as part of the treatment follow up. This treatment is very effective, particularly if done at night when most bees are in the hive. When control is necessary in the daytime, the pest controller must be experienced in handling bees and have protective clothing. If the hive has become well established, there may be honey, which will attract ants and provide the client with another problem. It is important that the bee is identified correctly, as the native honey bees may be involved in a situation where killing of the hive is requested and is not necessary as the native honey bee does not sting. The native bee also nests in trees and in hollow log sections of large stumps. It is a much smaller bee and of a different colour. WASPS Wasp’s particularly the papernest wasps, are day flying insects. They can be caught and destroyed more easily and safely at night, when they have congregated on the paper or mud nest. The paper nest and wasps may be removed by enclosing the wasps and nest in sound plastic sheeting or a bag at night, severing the nests contact with the surface, and sealing the bag for disposal or release elsewhere. There are some people who are allergic to, and may die from, wasp stings. The European wasp is now established in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania and will in time occur throughout much of Australia. The English wasp has been known in Victoria for some time and has similar habits to the European wasp. Separation of these two species is normally beyond the ability of pest controllers. Appearance The workers of both species are sterile females about 12-15 mm long, with yellow bands on a black body. They are fast flyers, with clear wings that fold longitudinally over their bodies. Queens and males measure about 20mm long, the queen having a stout abdomen and the male, a long thin abdomen. The nest varies in size from about 15cm to about 5m and may contain up to 4 million cells and over 100 000 workers. The wasps nest mostly in the ground, tree stumps, rockeries, wall cavities and roof voids. Life Cycle Each nest usually last one year, but in warmer climates the nest may survive and extend. In winter the males die off, and the newly fertilised queens hibernate to build other nests the following year. The new queen lays eggs in the cells of the nest, and after some weeks in the larval stage the wasps pupate and emerge as adults, which take over the work of the nest. After one summer, the nest may have 10 000 individuals.
Safe Bee Removal in Sydney: Preserving Nature’s Pollinators with A1 Pest Control
The importance of bees in our ecosystem cannot be overstated. These tiny insects play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and crops, ensuring the reproduction of many of the fruits and vegetables we rely on for sustenance.
However, when bees establish colonies in or around our homes or businesses, they can pose a threat to human safety.
In Sydney, A1 Pest Control has emerged as a reliable partner in bee removal, committed to preserving these vital pollinators whenever possible.
Below, we will explore the techniques and methods employed by A1 Pest Control to safely remove bees in Sydney without causing unnecessary harm to these essential creatures.
Understanding the Bee Problem
Before delving into the safe removal techniques, it’s essential to recognize the various scenarios in which bee colonies can become a problem in Sydney.
Bees can establish their colonies in a wide range of locations, including wall cavities, roofs, trees, and even within the ground.
When bees build their nests near human habitation, the risk of stings and allergic reactions becomes a concern, necessitating professional intervention.
A1 Pest Control: A Commitment to Bee Preservation
A1 Pest Control is a Sydney-based pest management company that takes a unique approach to bee removal.
Rather than simply exterminating the bees, our team is dedicated to preserving these vital insects whenever possible. One of the first questions that we ask of persons who call us to remove bees is, “Have you contacted an apiarist”? This is especially so when the bees are located within stepladder reach of a tree or building.
This process involves environmentally conscious techniques to relocate bee colonies, keeping both humans and bees safe.
The Safe Bee Removal Process
Inspection and Identification
The first step in safe bee removal is to accurately identify the species of bee involved. In Sydney, the European Honeybee is the most common species encountered. However, other species such as native bees or feral bees may also require special considerations. A1 Pest Control’s experts are trained to differentiate between species and determine the best approach for each situation.
Hive Assessment
Once the bee species is identified, the pest control experts carefully assess the hive’s location, size, and accessibility. This assessment helps them plan the removal process and minimize disruptions to the bees’ habitat.
Protective Measures
To ensure the safety of both the pest control team and any bystanders, protective measures are put in place. This may include clearing the area of bystanders and the use of beekeeping suits, gloves, and face protection. A1 Pest Control takes every precaution to prevent bee stings during the removal process.
Live Bee Removal
Bee keepers have live bee removal techniques. They employ innovative equipment such as bee vacuums that gently collect and transport bees without causing harm. This method ensures that the colony remains intact, reducing stress on the bees and preserving the hive’s social structure.
After successfully removing the bee colony, the apiarist relocates the bees to a safe location away from human activity. This step is crucial in preserving the bee population and maintaining their critical role in pollination.
Hive Sealing and Prevention
To prevent future infestations, A1 Pest Control will recommend that the client seals the area where the bee colony was located. This prevents other bees from re-establishing a nest in the same location and minimizes the risk to property and human occupants.
When Is Killing Bees Necessary?
While A1 Pest Control is committed to preserving bee colonies whenever possible, there are circumstances where bee removal without harm is not feasible or safe. Situations that may require bee extermination include:
Aggressive Bee Species: In cases involving aggressive bee species, such as Africanized honeybees, the safety of humans may take precedence, and extermination may be necessary.
Severe Infestations: When bee infestations are extensive or pose a significant risk to human health, elimination may be the only viable option.
Structural Damage: If the bee colony has caused extensive structural damage to a building or property, removal without harm may not be possible.
Allergic Reactions: In situations where individuals with severe bee allergies are at risk, immediate removal may be required.
A1 Pest Control makes a careful assessment in each case to determine the most appropriate course of action, always striving to preserve bee colonies when it’s safe and feasible to do so.
The Environmental Impact
Preserving bees through safe removal not only benefits the local ecosystem but also contributes to the global effort to protect these essential pollinators. Bees are vital for the pollination of a wide variety of plants, including many food crops. By safeguarding bee populations, A1 Pest Control plays a part in maintaining biodiversity and securing our agricultural future.
Educating the Community
In addition to their safe bee removal services, A1 Pest Control is committed to educating the community about the importance of bees and the need for their conservation. We offer resources and seminars to help people understand the vital role bees play in our environment and how to coexist safely with them.
In Sydney, A1 Pest Control stands as a beacon of responsible pest management when it comes to bee removal. Our commitment to preserving bee colonies whenever possible is not only a testament to our ethical principles but also a critical step in protecting the environment and our food supply.
By employing safe removal techniques, educating the community, and making well-informed decisions about when bee extermination is necessary, A1 Pest Control is setting a high standard for pest management that respects the balance between human safety and the preservation of nature’s essential pollinators.
"We first used A1 Pest Control a few years ago when we noticed a few termites under a wine barrell in the rear yard of our home. We asked A1 Pest Control Sydney to pay us a visit to have a thorough termite inspection of our home. Bruce and his crew were on time, and very well presented. They explained how they would get rid of the termite infestation using a low toxic method and how their Thermal cameras worked, It worked very well and now we can sleep at night!"
Gary and Carol Harman
"We have been using Bruce form A1 Pest Control for over 4 years now. We bought our new house on the Hills Area, and moved in. our neighbours had problem with rodents and spiders so they are using A1 next door. I asked them if they could come over and treat our house too, as i didn't want to chase pest around our home. The service was not only effective, but carried out without any smelly fumes that we have experienced in our last house. They solved problem next door and I haven't seen a bug since."
Melissa Topper
"A1 Pest Control exterminators where great! I'm very happy to say that they solved a bed bug problem that I had after we had visitors from overseas visit us. I would recommend A1 Pest Control to anyone needing a safe and effective treatment of bed bugs"
Amanda Wu
"Bruce solved our commercial pest control problem in Castle Hill. Cockroaches were throughout our factory and they were completely gone after two visits from his exterminators. Just seeing one cockroach can lose us clients. I know now everyhing is ok, and our reputation is intact"
Raj Beri, Europa International
"Bruce from A1 Help us get rid of a bad spider infestation that have been troubling us for a while. It was done with low toxic spray and his crew even game me some cockroach and ant baits to get rid of them. I have recommended A1 to all my friends and family"
Carmel Thomas
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