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Needing Spider Control Sydney?

Here at A1 Pest Control we know your family is the primary concern and spiders can be a threat to your children or pets. Contact us ASAP and we’ll be happy to sort out a quote or appointment for you!
Need urgent spider control? Sydney is well known to be the home of so many dangerous species of spiders.
A1 Pest Control technicians always engage in thorough treatments to ensure a big drop in any spider population. We even remove the majority of the webbing and spider eggs after treatment.
Our treatments are safe for children and pets and our technicians are trained and certified above and beyond the state requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or to book in by calling us on  0417 251 911
Below we have a testimonial from one of our many happy customers that has had a treatment done to get rid of spiders.
The Hills District area is well known for it’s funnel web and red back populations, so don’t wait ’till it’s too late!
During Summer you’ll start to see more creepy crawlies due to the increase in humidity and a more temperate habitat developing. 
Alas, along with the lovely summer sun Sydney also sees an increase in spider activity, much more alarming due to the fact that Sydney is home to some of the deadliest spiders in the world! 
The Redback Spider and the Sydney Funnel Web, though the Redback isn’t known for being aggressive, the Funnel Web is. We’ve heard many stories of these daring little spiders charging down on anyone getting to near their hole!

Spider control Sydney is always a tricky business as there aren’t any pesticides available that are powerful enough to kill them just by residual affect, at least none that won’t harm any people or pets as well.

Have a look what happens when environmental factors are changed:

As such the best way to control spiders is to have regular pest sprays, we would recommend 6 monthly treatments, as well as going around your home biweekly and taking down any webbing that is sighted. This makes it a lot harder for spiders to develop into a large infestation or serious issue without having to spend a fortune on pest control every other week.


Another trick for taking care of Funnel Web spiders is to mix up boiling water and dish washing detergent. This mixture is then poured down any Funnel Web holes, after which you stomp down on the entrance to the hole to prevent them from charging out at you. This is a fairly harsh approach to controlling these critters but they do pose a serious threat, especially to younger children and pets.
Don’t take the risk, organize professional spider control today! 0417 251 911 |
Are you looking for expert spider control? Australia harbours several hundreds of different spider species which means they’re a common find in the average Aussie back yard. The majority of these insects are harmless, though some might give you a painful bite there are others – such as the Red Back, White Tailed and Funnel Web spiders – which can severely harm someone who receives their bite.

Not many people would are fans of spiders, so regardless of whether they’re harmful or not, we prefer being safe rather than sorry and keeping all spiders away from our home! This whole process becomes a breeze when you get your local pest expert to annually treat your home for spider control. If you’re a parent of young children who might be at risk or you’re not to keen on spiders yourself then yearly spider control treatments could already be part of your routine however, there are still a few things you yourself can do around the house to make it less appealing to spiders:

Don’t take the risk, organize professional spider control today! Call us on 0417 251 911 or send us an email at

Are you looking for expert spider control? Australia harbours several hundreds of different spider species which means they’re a common find in the average Aussie back yard. The majority of these insects are harmless, though some might give you a painful bite there are others – such as the Red Back, White Tailed and Funnel Web spiders – which can severely harm someone who receives their bite.

Not many people would are fans of spiders, so regardless of whether they’re harmful or not, we prefer being safe rather than sorry and keeping all spiders away from our home! This whole process becomes a breeze when you get your local pest expert to annually treat your home for spider control.

If you’re a parent of young children who might be at risk or you’re not to keen on spiders yourself then 6-12 month spider control treatments could already be part of your routine.

However, there are still a few things you yourself can do around the house to make it less appealing to spiders:

  • Make sure not to store or stack things against the outside of the outer walls of your home. If you’ve been keeping an eye out for spiders you would’ve noticed that Red Backs in particular love these dark little corners. Wear protective gloves when you clean up these areas and take care when moving items as it might disturb and aggravate any resident spiders.
  • Garage and shed owners should take the time to keep both neat and tidy – spiders prefer constructing their webs between and around static items so having stacks of boxes and unused paraphernalia are often their favourite places to set up their cobwebs. They are interested in quiet and peaceful areas that are dark, thus garden sheds that aren’t used often are an ideal spot for them to hang out. Maybe it’s time for a spring clean!
  • It is important to note that spiders feed on other insects thus taking the initiative to manage other insect communities on your property can help with spider control. You can also consult a pest control specialist for advice regarding other pest populations on your property.
  • During the break between your spider control treatments, you might want to consider using commercial surface spray in places that you know spiders tend to reside.
  • Ensure that your windows are properly fitted with fly screens, and in case you are without fly screens, look into the costs involved to install them. Windows without these screens are easy access points for spiders.
  • After your home undergoes a spider control treatment, take a week before removing the remaining webs. This interim allows for the baby spiders, newly hatched, to crawl through the webs and encounter the poison. Using a vacuum to suck up the webs is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of the webs, it’s important to also spray inside the bag with a surface spray before disposing of it.

Spiders have millennia of evolution on their side and can therefore be a bit of a mission to get rid of as they’ve become quite smart.

But perseverance and persistence pays off in the end – paying attention to the outside of your house, keeping it clear of rubbish and clutter, cleaning outdoor furniture often helps.

Having a pest control expert come out 6-12 months to treat the spiders will definitely minimize the number of spiders hanging around your property.

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

If you’re trying to figure out whether a hole in the ground might be a Funnel-Web burrow then you need to pay attention to the presence of irregular spider web “trip lines” surrounding the opening to the burrow. These burrows are usually found in places that are moist or clammy and dark such as rockeries, thick shrubbery, fallen logs and piles of leaves. A small, tidy hole which is surrounded by a silk collar that doesn’t extend beyond 10MM from the rim of the hole could be the home of a trapdoor spider (a common Brown Trapdoor Spider won’t have a ‘door’ at the entrance to it’s burrow). Other residents of holes could be mouse spiders, wolf spiders and other insects (most often cicadas and ants.)

Female Funnel-webs rarely exit their burrow, but they can be roused by excavating, removing ground clutter or gardening. They could also be driven away by extended periods of rain. The male Funnel-web on the other hand often exits the burrow to look for female spiders during the seasons of summer and autumn, this occurs predominantly during the night time. You are most likely to encounter a roaming spider after a period of wet weather.


When in areas that are known to have a high concentration of Funnel-webs there are a few measures you can follow that will reduce the risk of getting bitten. Roaming spiders can get access to your house at floor level, commonly sneaking in underneath a door. You can fit weather strips or make use of a draft excluder to block this as an entry point. If you the area surrounding your house is cleared it would also be less appealing for Funnel-webs to construct their burrows in that area.

Within the home, Funnel-webs will look for a place to stay where they won’t dry out.
Consequently it’s essential to check clothes, shoes and bedding that are found either on the floor or close to the floor for signs of spiders. This also applies to any clothes that are left outside or near camp sites where Funnel-webs are common.

Funnel-webs are often found in swimming pools. These spiders are capable of trapping small pockets of air on the hairs around their abdominal area which assists them with floating and breathing. They have been known to survive around 24-30 hours like this and therefore it cannot be assumed that a spider at the bottom of a pool is dead.

The Red-back Spider

Redbacks are commonly found in urban premises in areas such as the garden shed, beneath logs or stairs/steps and surrounding swimming pools or rubbish piles. Their webs are built in dry and sheltered sites, commonly the upper part of the web will be hidden away from sunlight. The spider would be found hiding in a funnel-shaped cone at the top end of the web. The bottom part of the web will consist mostly of a clutter of vertical threads that are sticky – intended for catching prey.


Surface sprays when directly aimed at Redbacks will be lethal. This treatment is to be exercised often as more of these spiders are often carried in on a wind.

One efficient way of managing Redbacks is to regularly inspect areas that would be ideal as Redback habitats, looking out for the spiders or their telltale webbing. You can remove the whole set up, spider included, by putting a stick into the back of the web and then rolling it which catches up the webbing, spiders and any egg-sacs inside it. Taking this step allows you to notice when new spiders have turned up by the presence of fresh webs.


Redbacks are sly spiders and rarely seen as they mostly construct their webs under a form of shelter. Wearing gloves while checking any areas you might suspect of Redback activity is a must.

The White-tailed Spider

Due to the fact that White-tailed spiders don’t make a web, there aren’t any specific indicators to look for, apart from the spiders in question. These are commonly found within a bathroom or laundry.


White-tails are a common nomadic species, so pest management regarding those yields short term results. When there is a population of these in your region they will most likely return to your house after the surface sprays and pesticides wear off.


If you are aware that there are White-tailed spiders on your property then you should take steps to check your clothing and shoes before wearing any. It’s also a good idea to inspect laundry and linens for these spiders. White tiles are most active during night-time and any that you encounter during the night should be removed from your home.

Other Spiders

Other spider species are usually not cause for pest control. If you come across an orb-weaver (spider) that is constantly building a web over a path you frequent then you can move it to a safer area.

Widow Spiders and Black House spiders are shy species and they will commonly hide and retreat into the rear of their web network if they are disrupted. Their webs are commonly found in the nooks and crannies of windows, they could also have a funnel-shaped cavity where you would find the spider sheltering. You can remove these making use of a broom or a stick, similarly to Redbacks, and then deposit the spiders outdoors.

It might be helpful to note that Black House Spiders are often killing and eating Redback spiders and having them around can make an impact on the chances of a Redback population developing on your property. It is important to take into account that White-tails favour them as food.

Spiders known as “Wandering” are best to be dealt with on a case by case basis when you encounter them. When they reside in the garden they shouldn’t be handled and if necessary removed from your home by use of a broom. These spiders are quick but not commonly aggressive.

A jumping Huntsman or one found on your car unexpectedly can be quite unnerving. Make sure to keep car windows close and doors well secured when your car is parked – especially overnight. If you notice a spider inside your car but can’t catch it you can encourage it to leave by parking in a warm spot.

Brown Trapdoor Spiders, Mouse spiders as well Funnel-webs are oft found in and around swimming pools, or they are encountered when disturbed during garden or construction activity. Of the trapdoor species, the males are known to wander during the autumn and summer seasons. As stated earlier their burrows have a tidy silky collar around the lip without any “trip lines” stretching outward.

Male mouse spiders are more frequently encountered later in the year – as they wander from April to June – and are quite active during the day. Males two of the species most commonly found in NSW are easy to recognise by either having a red head and jaw area (Red-headed Mouse Spider), or alternatively a pale blue-white patch in front of their abdominal area (Eastern Mouse Spider). The females of both these species are either dark brown or black. The Red-headed female Mouse Spider is known to make a burrow that has two trapdoors at the entrance; both are angled at right angles toward each other.

The same precautions observed for Funnel-webs are to be followed for Trapdoors. Due to the fact that they are oftentimes confused for the Funnel-web, it’s important to take caution when bitten and follow the correct procedures, especially when a child is involved. Trapdoor’s aren’t considered a high risk to humans whereas Mouse Spider venom on the other hand can be highly toxic and any bites not be taken lightly. When possible, the spider should be captured to identify it correctly, then the appropriate measure of spider control can be followed to manage the relevant spider species to a safer level.

First Aid For Spider Bites

For any spider, apart from Funnel-webs and Mouse Spiders, the only essential first aid measures are to apply an ice pack to relieve pain and swelling when necessary. If you find that the symptoms persist and become more severe then seek medical attention. When bitten by a ed back spider always seek out medical assistance. For individuals bitten by a Funnel-web or Mouse Spider a ‘pressure bandage’ should be applied to the area ASAP while the victim is kept calm and medical attention pursued.

An analysis was undertaken of two thousand one hundred and forty four cases of people in spider control Sydney that were reported bitten by the Redback spider (scientific name Latrodectus mactans hasselti).

In the past 8 years there have been an average of two hundred and forty cases notified to the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories each year. Bites occurred most often in summer months, in the evening or the afternoon on the hands or feet seventy four percent of the time. Victims were most often (seventy nine percent) aged 18 to 50 years old and over sixty four percent were men.

9.7% of the bites were on male buttocks and genitals, presumably from going to to the toilet. Redness, swelling and local pain were the most likely symptoms and acute pain was also felt in areas other than the genitals and buttocks. After thirty minutes the regional lymph nodes would become tender. Side effects included sweating, vomiting and nausea, however respiratory failure and coma were much less common most likely due to the administration of specific antivenom.

It was given in medical centres within twenty four hours of being bitten ninety two percent of the time and within 2 hours in seventy percent of cases. Eleven anaphylactic reactions occurred but there were no resulting deaths from reactions to the antivenom or venom. See statistical data from Dr Struan Sutherland (who first developed the antivene against the red back spider bite) Survey of 2144 Cases of Red‐Back Spider Bites: Australia and New Zealand, 1963‐1976 S. K. Sutherland M.B., B.S., F.R.C.P.A.

“I know that spiders can be a huge nuisance and a danger around kids or pets. So ring me up on 0417 251 911 ASAP and we can organize an appointment or discuss your spider problem.” – Bruce Gow

Or send us a message if you have a problem with spider control.


To reduce spider populations make a habit of regularly having a look around your home and take down any webbing you notice using a long stick or a broom. Do the same inside and use a broom or vacuum to get rid of the webs. This will have a big affect on the amount of spiders you encounter.

To eliminate most types of spider species from areas of human population for any period of time today is almost close to impossible. This is no invisible wonder barrier that spiders just crawl across and die. Though that is the perception of most people.

They don’t even hang around the same nesting sites as in other areas of pest control. So how can you get of spiders safely?

The “trick” is to contact all of the known breeding areas and treat with a low toxic, non-fuming spray applied by a pest control expert. The worst thing you could do is to try and eliminate spiders by spraying aerosols bought from places like Bunnings, Woolworths or Coles and expect to get great results.

Dangerous poisoning may occur to yourself or the environment. This may be more dangerous than the actual spider threat!

New spiders recognise quickly areas where inhabitants have been killed off. Spiderlings or baby spiders get spread quickly through an environment in great numbers by using their webs like tiny parachutes and float on slight breezes to distant new areas.

Here’s some tips that we have put together over the years to lessen your chances of being bitten:

Always wear shoes in the garden areas especially during the night. When you are gardening, make sure you are protected by wearing sensible shoes, preferably trousers and long sleeved shirt. It is strongly recommended that you wear gloves to protect yourself from spider bites and other bugs that may cause you harm. To prevent spiders from entering under you doors, consider putting in weather strips and installing plastic insect excluders.

You can purchase Weep Hole Screens (Weepa Protector)  from Bunnings at under $30 for a packet of 20.

Placing fly-screens on windows and ventilators on walls should prevent spiders from gaining access by climbing up. Clearing an area around the house should discourage spiders from burrowing there.

It is best to educate children with the ‘look but do not touch’ strategy if they have found a spider and for adults to follow this rule too. Rather than being afraid of spiders, respect them.

The Sydney Funnel-web Spider

Holes in your yard and garden area are caused by lots of different reasons, but if you spot silken strands strung out from holes about the same size as a fifty cent piece, it’s a good chance they are Funnel web spider trip lines. Look for their holes near trees, inside rockeries, under moist, shaded spots in your garden and around leaf litter. Silky lined holes with fine trip lines are a dead giveaway. There are other possible owners for these holes such as wolf spiders, mouse spiders and insects such as cicadas and ants.

To read up on the Mouse Spider, often mistaken by their burrows for Funnel web, check out the Australian Museum’s article on the Mouse Spider.

The females of the Funnel-web species are quite happy living, breeding and giving birth inside her burrows by land excavations commenced through building construction in the area, heavy gardening or even may be driven away by inclement weather. Males of the Funnel-web species have been sighted hunting for female spiders in the summer and autumn months, especially at night.


In places where there are known Funnel-web populations, precautions can be taken that reduce the risk of being bitten. Spiders can wanted and enter the house under a door at ground level. Weather strips or a draft excluder will block the entry hole. Clear the area around the house to stop Funnel-webs from burrowing there.

Look out for Funnel-web Spiders in swimming pools and gardens near the pool side. Spiders have the ability to capture bubbles of air on their legs and body which helps them to both breath and float. They can live more than twenty four hours under water.

We have a more detailed and scientific article related to the Sydney Funnel-Web as well as other Funnel-Web species. Email Bruce at for more information.


The Red-back Spider

Redbacks are very common in Sydney and may be found lurking inside and outside of sheds, under flower pots, stairs and around the swimming pool. They are very messy looking webs and usually well hidden from view. This species of spider is very common in Sydney yards and it is common to find them on pool equipment and children’s toys that are left outside. (We have more information on the Redback Spider, read it up if you wanna learn more about this infamous spider.)

Recently a customer enquired about whether red-backs become more aggressive when they have recently laid eggs or when they are around their egg sacs and although it is hard to gauge the occurrences there are definitely reports of female red backs charging people and insects that get near their egg sacs. Whether this is in self defence or in defence of their egg sacs is uncertain.

When it comes to red backs the female is definitely the more aggressive of the two and the majority of serious bites come from the female red back. Even though they have such an infamous reputation they tend to avoid contact with humans and are often seen scurrying behind or beneath some rubble or debris around the home. Bites are commonly found on the neck and extremities, due to the spider hiding in helmets, gloves, boots, and other working gear that might be left outside, eventually resulting in a bite when someone dons the gear and encounters a red back!


A surface spray applied to a Redback spider directly will kill it. Treatment should be repeated to deal with those spiders that are carried by the wind.

The best way to control Redbacks is to regularly inspect habitats where they are most likely to be found, looking for spiders and webs. They can be removed by using a stick to push and twist the web, spider and egg sacs away. When all of the webs are removed you will be able to notice new arrivals by seeing new webs.


Redbacks usually make their web under some type of shelter and are not very visible. Check any sites first before putting your hands there. When gardening wear gloves.

The White-tailed Spider (we have a detailed article here)

White tailed spiders do not make webs therefore there are no signs to look for them other than by seeing the spider itself. They can be found within laundries and bathrooms.


White-tailed spiders are common and nomadic so any way to control them is a short term solution

These spiders are both nomadic and common, so any control measure will be only a short term solution. If there is a population of these spiders in your area, then they are likely to re-enter houses after the effects of insecticides have worn off.


If you know that White-tailed Spiders are present in your area, check your shoes and clothing before wearing them. It is very common for them to wander inside your home under doors and windows and even get carried inside after making their way into clothing hanging on outside lines.  Be sure to shake all clothes briskly before placing them in the basket and even check underneath the basket or trolley if it is your routine to leave it outside. Of course it is always best to take these inside rather than leaving extra hiding spaces for all types of outdoor pests.

Other Spider Control Sydney Species

There is usually no need to control other species of spider. For example if a non-poisonous orb-weaving spider spins webs where you walk, simply move both spider and webs to another location. (Read more on Orb Weavers!)

Black House Spiders are poisonous but give a painful bite if disturbed. Webs are often made in the corners of windows, and may have a funnel-shaped retreat in which the spider shelters. The web may be removed using a broom, or a stick (the same method as for Redbacks), and the spider deposited outside.

It should be noted that Black House Spiders are known to kill and eat Redback Spiders, and that their presence may reduce the chances of large Redback populations becoming established in your area. On the other hand, they are a favoured food of the White-tailed Spider.

Wandering spiders such as wolf spiders (article on Wolf Spiders)and huntsman spiders are best dealt with on an individual basis when encountered. They should be left alone if in the garden, or removed from a house using a broom. They are fast moving, but not normally aggressive. (Read up on this interesting spider here!)

Huntsman spiders can be disconcerting when they jump off walls to make their escape, or appear unexpectedly in your car. Make sure car windows and doors are closed when the car is parked – particularly at night. If a spider is found in a car but evades capture, it can be encouraged to leave by parking the car in a warm place. (We have more info and tips on the Huntsman Spider)

If you are lucky enough to have a swimming pool, watch out for funnel-webs and Brown Trapdoor spiders.

These species are well known to nest near them or under coping and pool pump housing areas. Some spiders can live happily under water.

They have water repelling hairs which may trap bubbles of air down around their abdomens after submerging.

Spiders can breath through spiracles located on their abdomens. They may stay under water until they find prey or until the bubbles are used up. 

Male mouse spiders are more common later in the year – wandering from April to June – and tend to be active by day. Males of the two species common in New South Wales are easily recognisable by having either a red head and jaw area (Red-headed Mouse Spider), or a pale blue-white patch in front of the abdomen (Eastern Mouse Spider). All female mouse spiders are dark brown to black. The female Red-headed Mouse Spider makes a deep burrow closed above by two trapdoors set a right angles to each other.

Precautions for both trapdoor and mouse spiders are the same as for Funnel-webs. As they are often confused with the Funnel-web, it is wise to treat any bite with caution, especially if the bite is on a child. Trapdoor spider venom is not considered to be dangerous to humans. The venom of mouse spiders, on the other hand, may be highly toxic, and bites should be taken seriously. If possible, capture the spider and have it positively identified, then have appropriate spider control to get populations down to a safe level.

We have a more in depth article regarding the Trapdoor Spider species that you can read for more specific habits, characteristics and distribution of this spider species.

First Aid

For all spiders, except Funnel-web spiders and mouse spiders, the only first aid necessary is the application of an ice-pack to relieve pain, if needed. always seek prompt medical care from professionals, especially for Redback Spiders and Funnel-webs, which could be lethal for they very young, elderly or sick persons. For all spider bites, consider using pressure bandages, kept the victim calm and comfortable as possible while arranging for an ambulance or other medical emergency services.

Call Bruce on 0417 251 911 email him for more information at or send us a message if you have a problem with spider control.

Australian Spiders


Explore the fascinating world of spiders found in Australia with a glimpse into their diverse families:

Family Idiopidae: The Trapdoor Marvels Discover the world of trapdoor spiders belonging to genera Arbanitis and Misgolas. Encounter the Sydney brown trapdoor, Misgolas rapax, and its lookalike counterparts. For precise identification, consult a specialist, ensuring accurate information for these intriguing arachnids.

Family Lamponidae: The White-Tailed Elegance Meet Lampona cylindrata, the white-tailed spider characterized by its dark grey to black appearance with a distinctive white cone on its abdomen. Uncover its habitat both indoors, notably in bathrooms, and outdoors under loose bark. Despite being non-aggressive, be cautious, as they may bite when touched or disturbed.

Family Actinopodidae: The Ground Dwellers Encounter the mouse spiders, dwelling in ground holes, with males being daytime wanderers. Beware of the redheaded mouse spider, Missulena insignis, and the eastern mouse spider, M. bradleyi, often found in coastal NSW swimming pools.

Family Hexathelidae: The Toxic Weavers Delve into the world of funnel web spiders, including the notorious Sydney funnel web (Atrax robustus). Learn about their toxic bites, especially from the male, and the unique behaviors during mating season. Remain vigilant during wet weather or insecticide use, as it may lead the males to seek shelter indoors.

Family Deinopidae: The Net-Casting Virtuosos Discover the net-casting spiders, particularly Deinopis subrufa, known for their unique hunting technique using a thrown net. Though harmless and beneficial, these spiders excel in catching insects within their range.

Family Scytodidae: The Spitfire Experts Meet the spitting spiders of the Scytodes genus, using fluid to immobilize prey. Observe their intriguing hunting strategy and appreciate their contribution to pest control.

Family Sicariidae: The Fiddleback Enigma Explore the elusive fiddleback spider, Loxosceles rufescens, introduced to Australia over a century ago. Uncover the potential health impacts of its bites and the precautions to take.

Family Araneidae: The Web Weavers Enter the diverse world of web-spinning spiders, from the golden orb-weavers (Nephila) to the St. Andrew’s cross spider (Argiope keyserlingii). Explore their habitats, behaviors, and the harmless nature of most species.

Family Theraphosidae: The Bird-Catching Giants Encounter the huntsmen spiders of Family Heteropodidae, including the large Selenocosmia spp. Known as bird-catching spiders, they reside in Queensland and showcase their impressive hunting skills.

Family Salticidae: The Jumping Marvels Explore the world of jumping spiders, characterized by robust front legs for jumping. Encounter these small, colorful, and harmless arachnids, including those mimicking ants.

Navigate the spider-rich landscapes of Australia with caution and appreciation for the crucial roles these arachnids play in the ecosystem. Call Bruce on 0417 251 911 email him for more information at or send us a message if you have a problem with spider control.

Embrace a harmonious coexistence with these fascinating creatures!


If, despite control measures and precautionary activity, a funnel web or red back spider bite does occur, it may be treated as shown in table 1.2.

Table 1.2 – Symptoms & treatment of arachnid bites

Funnel web spiderRed back spiderAustralian paralysis tickScabies mite


1. Great pain in the location of the bite; accompanying numbness.

2. Vomiting and nausea.

3. Collapse and profuse sweating.

4. Excess salivation which leads to frothing at the mouth.

5.Breathing difficulty where the patient may turn blue.

6. Pain and cramps in limbs or abdomen.

7. Delirium.

8. Facial muscle twitching, limbs contracting, sluggish reflexes, eyes failing to respond to light, coma.


1. Harsh stinging at the location of the bite but sometimes there are no signs.

2.  Swelling around bite and paleness; pain and tenderness.

3.  Numbness in and around the area where bitten.

4. Painfulness in legs because of absorption of spider’s venom in your lymphatic system.

5. You begin to exhibit shock symptoms of pale skin, rapid heart beat, shallow breathing, sweating, nausea and vomiting.

6. Some cases show paralysis of lower limbs.


1. Throbbing headache, particularly so when the tick is within the top of the scalp.

2.  Inability to read or focus.

3. General malaise.

4. Blurring of vision and weakness in limbs, increasing to paralysis after 4 days.

5.  Muscles of respiration become involved, with breathing difficulty.


1.  Itching under skin at night; mites mine in upper epidermis of skin.

First aid treatment:

1. Make the patient comfortable and remove tight clothing.

2. Apply pressure firmly over the bite area using a broad roller bandage. Cover the site of the bite. Extend the bandage as high up as possible and to the extremity of the limb. Keep movement going to that part of the body.

3. Take patient to a hospital ASAP.

4. Do not take stimulants or any liquids orally.

5. Reduce pain by adding warmth to the wound.

First aid treatment:

1.Remove any tight clothing. Make the patient comfortable.

2. Apply a cold pack to the bite being careful not to freeze tissue.

3. Promptly seek medical assistance.

First aid treatment:

1. Remove the tick with a pair of fine forceps – no chemicals.

2. Do not press the tick body. Merely grasp the head and mouth parts; move sideways.

3.  If symptoms are advanced or tick is in auditory meotus or any other inaccessible position, refer to a hospital.

First aid treatment:

1. Attention to personal hygiene.

2. Patient to wash. Seek medical advice.

3. Wash clothing by boiling, and iron creases.

4. Local application of ointment.


Wolf Spiders


Article author: Bruce Gow


Encountered across all of Australia.

Identification and Habits:

There are many species within the Wolf Spider family, varying in size from 1 to 8 cm and have a robust body. Regardless they’re very agile hunters and live in either leaf litter or their burrows which are often found in gardens or on and in lawns. The Wolf Spiders have 8 eyes of which the 4 largest are arranged in a square formation on the top of the head. Their body colours are commonly quite boring with most variegated patterns in the colours brown, grey, black and white (often with lines that radiate from the carapace and a scroll like pattern on the abdomen). Their underside is black or grey and occasionally has white markings; the jaws are also known to bear an orange spot on the sides.


Symptoms from a Wolf Spider bite are generally quite minor – such as pain around the bit and/or itching. Less often the symptoms can include swelling, prolonged pain, dizziness and a rapid pulse accompanied by nausea.

First Aid:

Medical attention should be sought out if symptoms are found to be persistent.

A1 Pest Control has a stellar reputation established over 40 years in the pest control business.

We take care of any pest issues and would be happy to help you with a last minute appointment or quote! Ring us on 0417 251 911.

“We’ll be happy to take care of a pest problem; our staff is trained and certified in blasting and exterminating all varieties of pest!” – Bruce Gow

Do you need professional spider control?

Australia is home to numerous species of spiders, and there’s no shortage of them in most Aussie back yards. Many are relatively harmless, some will give you a nasty bite, and others – like the Red Back, the Funnel Web and the White Tailed Spider – are capable of making the recipient of the bite quite ill.

There aren’t too many of us that like spiders, so whether they’re harmless or not, it’s safe to say that most of us would prefer that all varieties of spiders stayed well away from our home! Your local pest control expert can assist you with this by treating your home once a year to deter spiders. If you have young children or you’re frightened of spiders, annual spider control may already be your habit however there may be some more things you can do to make your home less inviting to spiders:

• Avoid storing or stacking things up against the outside walls of your home. You may have noticed that Red Backs in particular like to hide behind things. When you have a tidy up, clear these items, wear gloves and move items with caution.

• If you have a garage or shed, keep it tidy and clean – spiders like to build webs in between or behind items so stacks of boxes and unused items can be an ideal environment. Spiders seem to prefer peace and quiet so a nice dark, infrequently used garden shed makes the perfect home. Consider having a spring clean!

• Spiders eat other insects so taking steps to control other insect populations around the home may also help. If you have a problem with other insects, speak to your pest controller for advice.

• In between spider control treatments, consider using a surface spray in the areas you know spiders like to frequent.

• Ensure fly screens are properly fitted to your windows, and if you don’t have fly screens, consider investing in them – open windows and loose or torn fly screens are an easy entry point for spiders.

Spiders aren’t always easy to get rid of – they have millions of years of evolution on their side and appear to be quite intelligent! But persistence and diligence can pay off – keeping the area outside your home free from clutter, regularly cleaning behind outdoor furniture, and calling out the pest controller once a year will help to minimise the number of spiders you see around your home.

If you don’t want to be invaded by this summer, speak to us about spider control now.

Call Bruce on 0417 251 911 or send us a message if you have a problem with spiders or need spider treatment.

Not all spider control Sydney species are threatening or considered to be a pest but we realize that businesses need to keep their standards high!
We’re always happy to improve the quality of your workplace, so call us up today.
funnel web spider bite
"We first used A1 Pest Control a few years ago when we noticed a few termites under a wine barrell in the rear yard of our home. We asked A1 Pest Control Sydney to pay us a visit to have a thorough termite inspection of our home. Bruce and his crew were on time, and very well presented. They explained how they would get rid of the termite infestation using a low toxic method and how their Thermal cameras worked, It worked very well and now we can sleep at night!"
Gary and Carol Harman
"We have been using Bruce form A1 Pest Control for over 4 years now. We bought our new house on the Hills Area, and moved in. our neighbours had problem with rodents and spiders so they are using A1 next door. I asked them if they could come over and treat our house too, as i didn't want to chase pest around our home. The service was not only effective, but carried out without any smelly fumes that we have experienced in our last house. They solved problem next door and I haven't seen a bug since."
Melissa Topper
"A1 Pest Control exterminators where great! I'm very happy to say that they solved a bed bug problem that I had after we had visitors from overseas visit us. I would recommend A1 Pest Control to anyone needing a safe and effective treatment of bed bugs"
Amanda Wu
"Bruce solved our commercial pest control problem in Castle Hill. Cockroaches were throughout our factory and they were completely gone after two visits from his exterminators. Just seeing one cockroach can lose us clients. I know now everyhing is ok, and our reputation is intact"
Raj Beri, Europa International
"Bruce from A1 Help us get rid of a bad spider infestation that have been troubling us for a while. It was done with low toxic spray and his crew even game me some cockroach and ant baits to get rid of them. I have recommended A1 to all my friends and family"
Carmel Thomas
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